Sunday, March 08, 2015

Alien Slides, Pointed Chins and Mexico

In The Roswell Slides - An Update by Tony Bragalia, we read of an alleged alien that is pictured on two slides:

...In the actual slides it is evident that the being has only four fingers...
A detail not known or revealed to anyone but those who have seen the slides is that close-ups of the being’s face show a very ‘pointed’ chin, a chin that in no way resembles a human, mummified or hydrocephalic...
The slides will be shown to everyone who wants to see them, on May 5th, in Mexico City.
The photographs of the alleged alien have been expertly determined to have been taken sometime between 1947 and 1949.
In UFO CRASH/RETRIEVALS: AMASSING THE EVIDENCE Status Report III By Leonard Stringfield, published June 1982, on page 26, there is a CASE B-6.
This case concerns the claims of an informant who had '..been at the site of a crashed saucer in Mexico many years ago when in the OSS...'
Here is an excerpt of the '..notarized statement, signed by veteran researchers John Meloney and Lorraine Duchesne, bearing witness to the testimony of the informant, WW...'
..I said I wondered if he could verify that he was at the saucer crash of 1952. He said it was earlier than that. Eventually he admitted it was in 1948 in Mexico...
He said he saw the corpse of an alien lying on an examination table covered with a sheet. He was reluctant to describe it so I showed him the picture of the drawing of a hand in Leonard Stringfield's report... He said it was just like that but had only three fingers. Then he admitted the small finger might have been tucked underneath the hand...
He said a sheet covered most of the body but the forehead also showed above the sheet and that, too, was white. The face was wide and wrinkles in the sheet showed the outline of the head to be triangular with a point at the chin where it should be...
He said he thought it was some kind of "throwback" in human evolution, and it was not until he read a report about it.. that he realized he had been looking at an alien body. Both men were in the OSS at the time, and were part of a recovery team.
He said they were all told not to discuss what they had seen and that the body was taken to the U.S.
He said there were a lot of Mexican civilians around and they were not told to keep it secret. The implication was that there might still be witnesses in the area who would remember the incident......