Wednesday, May 22, 2013

AA Trail Of Coincidence

On April 28th, the UFO UpDates List, moderated by Errol Bruce-Knapp, suspended Edward Gehrman. Mr.Gehrman broke a ban on discussion of the 'Alien Autopsy' (AA) film. That's the film that millions of people around the world have seen clips from, and, in numerous publications, still images from.

When it first emerged, anyone who had already read many reports of contact with living or deceased aliens, and somewhat studied science fiction art, as I had, would have noted that the 'creature' in the film was, in some ways, similar to other written about and/or sketched aliens. [There were also, possibly, features of the AA creature that didn't match any previous alien representations in fact or fiction...]

A similar, if not necessarily identical, alien type can be found accompanying an H.G.Wells story, depicting inhabitants of the moon ('Selenites'). There is a June 1957 front cover of Fantastic Universe science-fiction magazine, by the leading SF artist Virgil Finlay, that portrays what looks like a child in the AA creature family, alongside an apparently crashed flying saucer. There are the two head/shoulders sketches of an alien-type that was said to have kidnapped Staff. Sgt. Charles L.Moody, in August 1975 (Ref: National Enquirer, May 11 1976 p.4)    

Much more recently, in 2010, a sketch was published that was done decades earlier by David Bowie, as a guide for the back cover of his second album, released November 1969 (Ref: Kevin Cann Any Day Now p.169 (Adelita, 2010)). The artwork  by Bowie includes an alien depiction (by Bowie), of which the head and shoulders are remarkably like the Charles Moody sketch (and equally worth comparing, in that part, to the AA creature).

The Alien Autopsy film first featured on National TV, in Britain, during a weekend when 'The Man Who Fell To Earth' was also shown. This is a film that came out in 1976, starring David Bowie, as an Extraterrestrial. Among 14 locations where filming for it took place was Roswell, New Mexico. According to one published source, screenwriter, Paul Mayersberg, has said that there were UFO sightings while the movie was being made; but, I have no further details on location/witnesses etc.

Press coverage on the AA film, in Britain, made a link to Bowie in the headlines used (e.g. 'Space Oddity'), and one LBC radio presenter made comment, at the time of the U.K. broadcasts, to a possible link, in content, between Bowie, as E.T. in 'The Man Who Fell To Earth' and the alien in the autopsy film.

The AA film's existence had earlier been made known, on BBC TV, in the U.K., by Reg Presley (born Reginald Maurice Ball in 1941, Reg died this year). The alleged source of the film (cameraman) was said to have also filmed Elvis Presley. It therefore might be seen as a notable coincidence that a man who had taken on Elvis's surname, years earlier, should have also been the one to reveal this particular film's existence. It also might be worth noting - if you take seriously the possibility of significant coincidences - that, as lead singer of The Troggs, Reg Presley was in one of the two support groups to David Bowie for a U.S. TV Special he put together, in 1973.

The 1976 film 'The Man Who Fell To Earth', directed by Nicolas Roeg, starred David Bowie, as Thomas Jerome Newton, and Candy Clark, as Mary-Lou. In 1977, Bowie's 'Low' album was released, with a view of him, as Thomas Jerome Newton, on the front cover.

For years, I've thought the title 'Low' to be significant, as an allusion to Robert Low, one of the key participants in the late-1960s University of Colorado government UFO study, which was under the direction of Dr. E.U.Condon.

Last month, I bought and read the book 'UFOs: An Insider's View of The Official Quest for Evidence'. In it, Roy Craig reveals something I must never have read or heard before, or else, not noted the significance of - the name of Robert Low's assistant. Here are three relevant paragraphs from the book:

..With three or four subcontracts of this type, including one for a chapter on the history of UFOs and related sightings, Mr.Low was assuring the project a voluminous final report, and he obviously considered it his personal duty to put it all together.

Low's preoccupation with "building the record" for the project's final report did not meet the approval of his administrative assistant, Mary Lou Armstrong. That preoccupation, along with Low's basic attitude toward the project, were strongly criticized by Mary Lou in a letter she wrote to Dr.Condon two weeks after Drs.Levine and Saunders were fired...

...Sympathetic or not, Mary Lou had been part of the mutiny; her continued employment with the project was not feasible. Dr.Condon accepted her resignation. Another key staff member was lost from the project. Mary Lou no longer would be available to take incoming calls regarding current UFO sightings - or to help prepare the project's final report... 


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