Monday, August 10, 2009

Contactees Blazed The Trail

Richard Hall, The Contactees & Disappearance Syndrome

Richard Hall, the long-time prominent UFO writer and researcher died on July 17th. Mr.Hall is probably known most for his association with Donald Keyhoe and N.I.C.A.P., including the classic book he authored, 'The UFO Evidence'.

On April 30th, I had contacted Richard Hall by e-mail. This e-mail is reproduced below, preceded by Mr.Hall's reply.


Mr. Transit,
You are entitled to your opinion. But I would add that if there is some kind of mental block at work, it is among those who can't see that Adamksi, Menger, Bethurum and many others like them were obvious frauds and con-men. Some contactees are borderline cases.
I only named a sample of those who speak for our real ufology (i.e., scientific) viewpoint, and that doesn't include dead people. Leonard Cramp was well-meaning but naive and gullible. There are many features of the contactee accounts that have proven to be absolutely false. There may be some truth in some few of the accounts.
Richard Hall



I have several of your books and have read your articles and posts on UFOUpdates. In a recent post you stated:

"..Who speaks for us? See the works of Dick Hall, Jerry Clark, Mike Swords, Mark Rodeghier, Rob Swiatek, Don Berliner... for example, and you will see legitimate 'representatives' of our position...."

If you see the above-named people as worthy scientific ufo researchers (as I do), then can you tell me whether or not you consider Professor Hermann Oberth, James McCampbell or Leonard Cramp to have been legitimate UFO researchers, also?

I ask this question, because these scientists did not take your hardline stance against the contactees.

As you probably know, Professor Oberth attended a conference in Germany alongside Carl Anderson and Reinhold Schmidt - see photo top-right below. He was quoted saying words to the effect that he was open-minded about the contactees, and had been impressed by Carl Anderson. The early experiences of Mr.Anderson contained features that would be found again and again in UFO reports in the decades that followed. One of the main features - in the subject range of objects or people being observed to disappear (or going out of view unobserved during an impossibly brief period of time) - is very pertinent to the subject matter of Budd Hopkins' book 'Sight Unseen.' Yet, Mr.Hopkins doesn't mention Carl Anderson, nor the cases of Howard Menger and Truman Bethurum - among other contactees - who reported extraordinary disappearances associated with the 'Space People.'

It seems that there is either a mental block at work here, or else it is politically expedient to edit out the factual history of contactee statements about disappearances being a significant part of their experiences. Indeed, all of the features within the contactee accounts that would turn up for decades to come in "rational" UFO accounts should seemingly not be thought about too much, even though it was these people who were among the forerunners or pioneers of making our world aware of these significant aspects of the UFO enigma!!!

Best Wishes,
Daniel Transit.

James McCampbell on George Adamski

Thursday, August 06, 2009

The Messiah, Barack Hazelnut Obama

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

George W. Bush : Mind The Gap
Late at night on a television set I’d switched on, George W. Bush was doing a press call. People would ask him questions, which he was supposed to respond to, apparently while giving the impression that he was in control of every conceivable situation. Mr.Fix-It or The Font of Comprehensive Knowledge.
Something odd was perceived by this viewer: After a question was asked, there would be an overlong gap, before the President of the U.S.A. responded in a manner that approximated that of the guileless bearer of spontaneous, trustworthy guidance. It didn’t make sense and could only have made sense if he’d uttered the quasi-spontaneous reply immediately following the conclusion of the question…
…quite reminiscent of the way a public lecturer might answer a question asked by an audience member in a foreign language they didn’t understand, which previously had required translation. So, it naturally occurred to me that the only possible reason for the curious gap between question and quasi-spontaneous response, was that ‘Mr.President’ was receiving the answers to the questions through some sort of ‘hearing device’.
Well, this was the idea I had to explain what I witnessed; but this scenario also seemed too unlikely to me - surely a set-up of this sort would be too liable to be uncovered by someone. The negative consequences to George W. Bush and others around him of a likely disclosure would be enough to discourage this type of deception from being considered, I reasoned.
Hence, I mentally shrugged off from further thought the only logical explanation for George W. Bush’s peculiar performance at the press call…
…until that is I heard of a similar ‘theory’ being formed by some people with regard to a Presidential Debate that Mr.Bush had taken part in. A website had been constructed called something like ‘Is Bush Wired?’ - the theorisers apparently maintained that the hearing technology required by Mr.Bush to feed him answers during the debate was visible beneath his clothing!
The last I heard on the matter up to this time was conveyed over the airwaves by talkSPORT presenter Mike Dickin, not long before he was the victim of a fatal car crash. Mr.Dickin stated words to the effect that it had become established knowledge among certain journalists that George W.Bush received answers to questions he was asked through a hearing device.